Official Symbol of Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo

The ACF Tokyo acts as a platform for artists from Austria in Japan and supports initiatives to present a unique image of a contemporary, innovative and vibrant Austria. The ACF serves as a hub for artists and scientists from Austria who are looking for mutual exchange and creative encounters in Japan.

The Austrian Cultural Forum (ACF) Tokyo is part of Austria’s international cultural network which forms an active international cultural policy as defined in the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s International Cultural Policy Concept.

The ACF Tokyo is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Official logo of Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo in Vertical format.

Kafka Projekt 23→24: Wall Art Project

1 to 15 April 2024


ACF Tokyo Initiative

Kafka Projekt 23→24: Wall Art Project

To commemorate the 140th anniversary of the birth(2023) and the 100th anniversary of the death (2024) of Prague-born andGerman-speaking writer Franz Kafka, the Austrian Cultural Forum together with Czech Centre Tokyo, Goethe-Institut Tokyo and Instytut Polski w Tokio have organized the “Kafka Projekt 23→24”, focusing on Kafka’s work and its legacy. From 1 to 15 April 2024, works by Austrian illustrator Nicolas Mahler – inspired by Kafka – adorned a temporary wall outside Shibuya Station.

Shinpei Nakashiro, who won the first prize in last year's short storycontest, took the prize money and traveled to Prague and Vienna. His travelogueis now available on the official Kafka Project website.

Photo: ©České centrum Tokio

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